The buildings to the right of the audience as they looked stage-ward are the majestic NMGM Museum and the Liverpool City Council Central Library. After the first Liverpool Proms event last year, the BBC realized that they were missing some great visual opportunities by leaving these buildings in darkness. Lee Forde, heads Liverpool City Council’s Cultural Events office, is also at the core of Liverpool Vision, an on-going scheme to permanently architecturally light the city’s famous landmarks - the first part of which was the lighting of St George’s Hall itself. For the Proms, i-Vision provided various lighting fixtures and equipment including six Space Cannon Ireo Pros, over 60 blue and green HQI 400s, Coemar Panoramas, Studio Due City Colors, two Dominators, a Jands Hog 600 for control and a 40W YAG laser with it’s own Magnum controller.
The Space Cannons flanked the stage, and the laser was rigged at the rear. The LPO’s own LD Pete Murphy used a separate over-stage lighting system supplied by Concert Lights. Sound was by Audiocom.