The Open Day at the MacOwan Theatre, Earls Court, was staged in conjunction with High End Systems, whose Catalyst system has proved ideal for replaying Scene Change’s video footage, and Flying Pig Systems, who provided control of the lighting and projection through the new Wholehog III. It took place on and around the set of LAMDA’s The Fix, for which Scene Change provided custom video footage. The day provided an introduction to the firm’s capabilities and products - as well as giving the many visitors familiar with lighting, but unused to video, the chance to explore the new tools that Scene Change’s technical director Nigel Sadler predicts will herald a new age for lighting.
Visitors were able to see the system at its best thanks to a performance by Tina Turner - aka DHA and Scene Change receptionist Carmel Omalabi, who has appeared on TV’s Stars In Their Eyes.
According to Sadler, the event opened people’s eyes to what is possible. "Theatre has been slightly resistant to video, but with shows like We Will Rock You and The Coast of Utopia leading the way, and video projectors gaining brightness and falling in price, it seems likely that many more shows will start to make use of its possibilities - as The Fix at LAMDA has."
(Ruth Rossington)