Jeffrey Cox - director of sales North America
Italy - Loudspeaker manufacturer Eighteen Sound has announced the appointment of Davwinder Sheena as director of sales, Middle East, Asia and Pacific Rim and Jeffrey Cox as director of sales North America.

Sheena will be responsible for managing distributors, as well as market development, in China, India and other key Asian manufacturing centres.He comes to Eighteen Sound with an array of experience in the pro audio market. Based in Singapore, Sheena has guided sales leadership in various market quadrants in the Asian region for a number of name brands from the US and Europe.

"We are excited to develop this important region of the world utilizing the extensive experience and relationships that Davwinder brings," explains Giacomo Previ, Eighteen Sound director of global sales. "His fluency in so many Asian languages and his comfortable demeanour, make him the ideal teammate and representative of 18 Sound in the region."

Cox, who has been handling marketing and business development duties for the Italian facility, will further expand his role by bolstering sales efforts and availability in North America. His goal is to more broadly develop 18 Sound's client and market relationships in North America while continuing to strengthen the brand worldwide.

"We have worked with Jeffrey for the past 16 months, and it has become very clear that we need to continue to grow our presence in the United States," adds Previ. "We have been preparing the organization to further development in the States, and I am confident our foothold on the North American market will grow exponentially in his hands."

"Eighteen Sound has become a serious player over the last decade and the quality Italian design and engineering that the team has come out with over the years is really a step ahead of its class," adds Davwinder. "I am looking forward on reinforcing both their distribution and manufacturing efforts in the territory."

Cox concludes, "This is an amazing company that redefines quality when it comes to professional audio products. It has been a pleasure being a part of their continued growth. I am particularly looking forward to working with Italy, and directly linking companies in the States to 18 Sound, bringing their extraordinary loudspeakers to people everywhere."

(Jim Evans)

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