Voting for the PLASA-ESTA elections ends on 31 October.
World - With planning for the merger between ESTA and PLASA now in its final stages, the elections for places on the new Regional Boards, and over-arching Governing Body, are coming to a close.

The month-long ballot, which ends on 31 October, pre-empts the New Year merger date when the Associations formally unite under the PLASA name.

Members of both organizations have been actively voting to elect candidates for the new European and North American Regional Boards which will feature representatives from the following groups of members - Dealer/Retailers, Distributors, Manufacturers, Production Services, Professional Services and Rental Companies, together with a representative from both the Organizational and Individual memberships.

The Governing Body is a new concept for PLASA and is designed to ensure continuity of decision-making and strategic consistency. Whilst the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer from the European and North American Regional Boards will automatically have places on the Governing Body, the October elections will also determine the three 'at large' positions on this new Board.

This is the last chance for members to vote, so any members who haven't voted yet are being encouraged to do so.

The results will be announced in early November, ahead of the Boards taking effect in the New Year.

For a reminder of how to vote, e-mail

(Claire Beeson)

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