Carpark North are on the road most of the year and have just finished a recent stint playing German clubs (photo: Morten Ryggaard)
Germany - Danish electro rockers Carpark North are on the road most of the year and have just finished a recent stint playing German clubs, taking their fusion of the raw edgy rock and cerebral electro beats to their many fans.

Creating an ever interesting, evolving and innovative lightshow is LD Johnny Thinggaard Lydiksen from CMY, based in Arhuus, who has worked with the band since 2013. He loves Robe's Pointes and BMFLs - among other fixtures.

Both types of fixture have been at the heart of the various versions of the lighting design to stem from Johnny's central concept, which was created to be flexible and scalable.

Underpinning the aesthetic was the goal to make the band look powerful and dramatic for which "Darkness and timing is a key" explained Johnny.

Pointes first appeared on the Carpark North lighting rig in summer 2014 when Johnny specified 40 to make a large matrix of lights upstage that allowed him to present new, fresh and different looks throughout the set. He thinks the zoom and the prisms are particularly cool!

These Robe units were purchased specially for the tour by Danish rental company Comtech, based in Copenhagen.

Moving forward, combined with some LED video elements and strobes, Pointes became the work-horses of Johnny's floor package for gigs where their 'specials' were installed 'underneath' house overhead rigs.

For this year's summer shows, Johnny up-scaled again, adding eight Robe BMFL Spots to their touring floor rig, with 16 - 20 more requested via to the locally supplied 'in air rig' rider. These were arranged into four groups across the rig, effectively giving each band member their own micro-rig.

For the smaller German club tour that they have just completed, Pointes were again perfect, with eight as the principal floor package moving lights. The fixture's small size also meant that they could be fitted - somewhere - in every venue.

(Jim Evans)

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