UK - A Shermann RS5 system has been delivered and is now operational in Guernsey - the first RS5 system in the Channel Islands. Kevin Taylor Audio invested in the Shermann system along with an Ashly Protea 3:24CL digital speaker controller to replace an older powered system which he claimed "was not really up to the job".

Kevin Taylor was absolutely delighted following the system's first gigs and called Shermann's HQ in Mid-Wales to register his appreciation. "The RS5 is ideal for my requirements; effortless and really compact too. I couldn't believe how flat it was and I needed virtually no additional EQ to make the system sound near perfect."

Elsewhere, Shermann RS5 systems have been in use on a number of recent events and UK tours including Barbara Dickson, Steeleye Span and Gilbert O'Sullivan. A slightly uprated RS5 model will be available from May 1st this year.

(Jim Evans)

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