UK - An entire walk through experience for international brand, Hitachi provided Stage One with their latest logistical challenge. This extensive scenic build contract for their client, The Liquid Way, involved the total fitting out and masking of the QE2 Centre's third floor, to create eight distinct areas.

The walk through experience was entitled Inspire Life 2008 and was attended by top business executives, MEP's and Government representatives, amongst others. Products from across Hitachi's entire range were exhibited through the area.

"We had several challenges to contend with," said Simon Wood, sales director, Stage One. "Both of which are hardly unique; the first being access and the second, time. However, we worked hard to overcome both and delivered the project on time, on budget and to the high specification required."

The eight different areas were defined using around 1000sq.m of flattage. Within these areas the company also provided an impressive 1.5m diameter spinning globe, constructed from GRP and then painstakingly hand painted to realistically represent the world, three large projection screens, the biggest of which was 38m wide, and raked seating for an auditorium.

Simon Wood concluded: "We have a great deal of experience constructing traditional sets and scenery and still really enjoy getting stuck into projects such as this - even after all these years." Stage One will be providing a slightly smaller version of the same set at a further Hitachi event in Paris in May.

(Jim Evans)

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