TSL lights League of Legends: Wild Rift
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Riot Games held the esports tournament Wild Rift Icons 2022, which ran from the 14 June to 9 July to crown the first world champions for the mobile MOBA title. Twenty-four teams from around the world qualified for the event, which had a total prize pool of $2m.
TSL Lighting provided the lighting and control package for the championships which were held at the Suntec Arena, Singapore. Originally planned to be in Madrid, a late change of venue meant the TSL team had to quickly adapt to an ever-evolving lighting plan and proved yet again that no challenge is too big!
On behalf of production company Concom and technical director Ben Vignola, equipment and crew were flown across the globe. The TSL team installed rigs for the main arena, a huge Pixel LED tape installation covering the main stage for the live stream, the players’ tunnel and backstage areas, as well as other areas within the player zones such as the press interview pens and caster-analyst desks. In order to complement LD Mat Stovall’s ever evolving design, as the competition progressed the rig also increased in complexity and scale.
Trusted favourites of designer Stovall, the core elements saw Martin Mac Aura XB and Ayrton Perseo Profiles provide the bulk of the keylight. New additions to TSL’s rental stock, a huge semi-circle of SGM Q·8 fixtures provided a beautiful element of eye-candy alongside the Robe LEDBeam 150. Further fill from the rig was provided from a myriad of Arri SkyPanel S60-C (in TSL’s custom all black body) and both Ayrton Huracan and Diablo luminaires. Local support and equipment in Singapore came via our friends at CT Asia Pacific.
As has become the norm, a fully redundant control package was provided by the TSL team consisting entirely of MA3 consoles for control, with data distribution done via an entirely Luminex network of switches and nodes. Both systems ran as tracking backups with full redundancy ensuring that no loss of power, hardware or cable fault would affect the show. Over 100U of control equipment was prepped at TSL’s UK warehouse by Erlwin De Gans and sent to Singapore for on-site System Tech Maria Wendenburg.
TSL Director Dom Sheerman comments “It’s great to be able to continue our relationship with Ben Vignola, Mat Stovall and the wider Riot Games team. We know the demands that these high-profile events can place on a system, so it’s great for us to be able to repay their trust in us by providing a great crew and equipment to match.”