Reykjavik City Theatre installs Vari-Lites
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Head of lighting Thordur Orri Petursson commented that, "After a shoot-out between VL1100 TS and other brands in the venue, it was decided that the VL1100 was the most suitable product to take the brunt of the FOH lighting."
The VL1100 TS offer a variety of strengths that make it a must-have for the Theatre, but as Petursson said, "The deciding factor was the CYM colour-mixing, the number of gobos it can hold, and the overall size of the fixture."
Icelandic sales and rental company Luxor supplied the lights. Luxor sales manager Alfred Sturla Bodvarsson oversaw the installation along with Petursson and respected Philips Vari-Lite trainer Coral Cooper, winner o