Nexo sends sounds ‘flying through the air’
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Geo M10 line arrays with MSUB15 subs are flown left, central, and right above the stage in the large theatre, with additional clusters left and right and Nexo ID24s used as under balcony auxiliary speakers.
Small clusters of Nexo Geo M6 are hung L, C, R in the small theatre, with Nexo PS10s used as side speakers and ID24s again used to cover seating areas under balconies to ensure even audience coverage throughout the venue. Amplification and processing for both systems are delivered by 3 racks of NXAMPMK2 powered processors.
“We chose Nexo as this setup allowed us to build a full digital system with Dante encompassing everything from the Yamaha consoles to the power amps” says Hiroyuki Fukazawa, manager (sound engineering) at the Culture Promotion Division, Civic Culture Department, Naha City. “This is the key advantage of Nexo. The speaker system also allows us to suspend subwoofers alongside speakers, providing better sound and a better sense of localisation. Another reason was my own sense of familiarity with the Nexo speaker system, having used it at my previous place of employment. Personally, I just love how the speakers sound.”
Commenting on the performance of the system, Naha Cultural Arts Theatre Sound Engineer Ryoko Hirano says, “When I heard the main speaker in the large theatre, my first impression was ‘Wow, what a beautiful sound’. Not only do the speakers deliver a faithful rendition of any song, regardless of genre, I must admit I was taken aback by how such small speakers can produce such a powerful sound, almost as though the sounds are sent flying through the air.”