Outline Vegas amplifies Castellitto address
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Castellitto, accompanied by a string quintet from the Carlo Felice Theatre, read some passages of the book Una lezione da non dimenticare (A lesson not to be forgotten), written by the director of the Infectious Disease Clinic of Genoa’s San Martino Polyclinic, Matteo Bassetti, with journalist Martina Maltagliati. Participants included Governor Giovanni Toti and Genoa’s mayor Marco Bucci.
The audio set-up for the special event was supplied by Show Technologies TM from Recco (Genoa), with an Outline speaker system comprising five Vegas 12 CX point-source enclosures.
Show Technologies TM partner Sacha Bozzo explains, “The brief was to reproduce Castellitto’s speech with the utmost clarity, but without foregoing the right amount of ‘body’ on the mid-low frequencies. This is why we opted for the use of Outline Vegas 12 CX, a system that’s a real ‘problem solver’, compact but ‘full-range’ and able to ensure a remarkable SPL:feedback ratio.
“To keep a uniform overall sonic timbre we decided to field the Vegas 12 CX for both the main PA (2 systems) and artistes’ monitoring, with 3 systems. It was an intensely moving experience for us too, as we couldn’t wait to mount a real PA! There was no lack of appreciation for the quality of the sound reproduction.”