PL+S: Robe, Chauvet & ROE among latest to pull out
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“The latest Covid-19 developments in Europe and the potential threat for those travelling to Frankfurt from around the world have led us to take a sensible and measured decision after considering the current facts and the dramatic spread of the virus,” commented Robe CEO, Josef Valchar. “I am sure that the industry will pull together to get through these challenging times. Prolight+Sound is the busiest and most important European trade show for us in terms of the rental and staging sectors, and an important showcase for new and emerging technology. We look forward to being back in 2021 to enjoy the dynamic mix and positive energy once again!”
Meanwhile, Chauvet Professional will focus on the European leg of its planned Force of Nature road show. The decision to skip PL+S is due to scheduling conflicts, said Michael Brooksbank, general manager of Chauvet Europe: “We will miss connecting with our friends and industry peers at PL+S, and certainly wish we could have accommodated the change in schedule, but have decided to forge ahead with ongoing commitments to more intimate and targeted outreach efforts in Europe.”
Robert Juliat said in a statement: "Robert Juliat has taken the decision to withdraw from Prolight+Sound, Frankfurt this year. Due to the ongoing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) (...) we have decided that to cancel our participation is the wisest move. "The current situation is constantly changing and Robert Juliat has given this careful consideration and, disappointed as we are not to have the opportunity to meet with our clients, partners and visitors and show our new products, we feel a responsibility to play our part in minimising risks to all concerned." Announcing its decision on Facebook, French lighting manufacturer Ayrton stated: "Following much internal discussion Ayrton has taken the decision not to participate in the rescheduled 2020 Prolight + Sound tradeshow.
"As challenging as this decision has been, given both the current situation as it relates to Covid-19 and the dates chosen for the postponed show, it is the correct one."
Speaking on behalf of LED solutions specialist Roe Visual, Marina Prak, marketing manager, said: "Taking the general effect of the outbreak of the coronavirus into consideration, we saw no other option than to re-think our plans for this spring and to decide not to participate in the postponed Prolight+Sound exhibition. The quality of our exhibition presence and the total experience of the tradeshows will be under pressure, but foremost the safety of our personnel and clients is what is paramount in our view”.
On Wednesday 11 March, Artistic Licence also announced its withdrawal from exhibiting at the show, posting on Twitter: "We've pulled out of Prolight+Sound, so hopefully next see you all at PLASA in September..."
As exhibitors continue to assess their plans for PL+S, companies who have so far formally withdrawn include: ACME Lighting, Adam Hall, Allen & Heath, Artistic Licence, Ayrton, Chauvet Professional, CLF Lighting, Coda Audio, d&b audiotechnik, DTS, ETC, High End Systems, JB Lighting, L-Acoustics, Martin Audio, Nexo, Robe Lighting, Robert Juliat, Roe Visual, Vari-Lite and Strand, and Yamaha Music Europe.
More to follow . . .