Italy - Opened in December 2007 in Bellinzago (Lombardy), the Arcadia Multiplex comprises 10 differently-sized auditoriums - the largest, a 300-seater. Every auditorium is THX-certified and offers 3D digital projection.

EVI Audio's Italian partner TEXIM were called in as early as the project planning stage. Arcadia and TEXIM had already worked together on the CineCity multiplex in Padua. In addition to tried-and-tested cinema systems of the TS series (TS 9040D-LX and TS 550D-LX), a total of 28 EV TL 880D subwoofers are employed in the new multiplex. Nine EV TS 9040D-LX speakers handle the reproduction of the L-C-R information in the three smaller auditoriums and 21 further EV TS 550D-LX provide the sound in the seven larger halls. The surround channels in all ten auditoriums are delivered by a total of 154 EV SL12-2V surround speakers.

The massive amplification needs of all these enclosures are taken care of by a battery of EV P3000RL and EV P1200 RL amplifiers - 95 in total - controlled and supervised by IRISNet.

The power amplifiers are integrated into a single network using 20 NetMax N8000 controllers connected via Ethernet.

(Jim Evans)

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