UK - Children at 10 new schools in South Lanarkshire are now able to put on theatre and music productions following work by Black Light's installation team.

"This project has been going on over the past 18 months and we have another three or four schools to do over the next year," says Black Light's installations project manager, Paul McGreal. "We secured the contract because we are cost-competitive and also because we are a trusted supplier to schools up and down the country."

The project involved Black Light working with a number of building service contractors, including NG Bailey and Spie Matthew Hall, as well as with South Lanarkshire Council. Black Light was asked to design and install theatre systems in assembly halls and games halls and to deliver a training package for teachers and janitorial staff.

All the systems Black Light installed were designed following careful consultation with the staff and pupils who would use them. "We ensured that our systems were appropriate for each space, simple to operate and clearly labelled and laid out," says McGreal.

As all the schools were new builds, the individual projects were all deadline driven with very specific hand-over dates. "We come in at the final-fix stage so we needed to be on the ball to ensure completion on the right date," says McGreal. "We hit our targets for every project and feedback has been very good from all the schools we have worked with."

(Jim Evans)

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