Australia - Communication technology for today's productions must be highly advanced and more dynamic than ever before, and yet continue to deliver the simplicity of the plug-and-play intercom systems of the past. Clear-Com's HelixNet is a platform of intercom products designed to offer simplified user operations and cabling requirements, ease-of-set-up and system management, unparalleled voice intelligibility, networking flexibility and system intelligence.

Crystal Productions, a Sydney-based AV Production and event company, required an updated communications system to maintain their technical capabilities and the Clear-Com HelixNet was the clear winner.

"Basically HelixNet simplifies the setup, management and use of intercom systems," commented David Thomas, project manager at Crystal Productions. "It offers cabling simplicity, ease-of-use, networking flexibility and system intelligence. The flexibility of having four channels on one digital party line system is a great advantage. It's very useful to be able to use existing in-house cabling as all systems on the platform are designed to work on common, standard cabling, such as microphone cables, Cat 5 and fibre.

"The HelixNet has performed sensationally since we've put it to use. It has wonderfully easy to use menu structures and everyone who has used it loves it. Plus it gets rid of all potential buzzes and hums from venues.

"We specialise in more complicated communications systems like integrating it to two-way radios which is quite simple to do with the HelixNet. Wireless communications is a big advantage too and of course, the audio clarity is superb."

(Jim Evans)

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