Centre stage on Stand E25 will be a live demonstration of :entertaining sustainability's real-time monitoring system from MeasureMyEnergy
UK - Production industry consultancy entertaining sustainability returns to the ABTT Theatre Show in 2015, as the show moves to London's historic Alexandra Palace on 24-25 June.

Centre stage on Stand E25 will be a live demonstration of :entertaining sustainability's real-time monitoring system from MeasureMyEnergy, giving visitors to the show an opportunity to see how a building's energy, water and gas consumption can be interrogated down to one-minute resolution. Using such systems can result in annual savings of 10% - 20% through the ability to target energy-efficiency measures.

Also available for demo will be the system's inbuilt reporting system, which makes short work of generating the outputs needed for Arts Council, Creative Scotland, CRC, ESOS, IG Tools, and other compulsory/voluntary legislative programmes. Advice on financing the equipment, such as the Energy Efficiency Financing Scheme from the Carbon Trust/Siemens, will also be available.

Tim Atkinson, technical director of the partnership, will be on hand to discuss other aspects of :entertaining sustainability's work. These include entsust.com, the popular online sustainable production forum, and a new suite of training and seminar modules.

The new modules are built in such a way as to be ideal either for drama schools and training institutions introducing production sustainability concepts to students, or for companies within the entertainment technology sector wishing to broaden the knowledge of staff members through professional development.

Modules are split into two strands - production and venue, so that both show-based and building-based disciplines can be addressed. The production modules include Stage Lighting & Sound, Stage Management, Wardrobe & Wigs, Scenic Construction & Props, whilst venue modules are General & Architectural Lighting, Energy & Water and Recycling & Waste.

With all exhibitors at the ABTT Theatre Show now to be found in one hall on one floor, :entertaining sustainability will be delighted to welcome visitors to stand E25.

(Jim Evans)

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