Arnae Sonido installed a centre channel system comprising of powered Compact 2 Systems. A total of 24 Compact 2 mid/high units and 24 Compact 18 subwoofer units were ground stacked in a large semi-circle on the beach. The left and right channels were flown from cranes at a height of 14m from the ground. A total of 24 ST-112 mid-high units and 24 ST-218 horn-loaded subwoofers were used to cover the extreme right and left sides of the audience area. Arnae Sonido were pleased with the outcome of the event, which required precise coordination of both the sound and fireworks in order to provide rhythm.
The fireworks event attracts tourists and visitors from outlying towns as well as local people who flock to the beach throughout the day to get a good spot and setup for the night's event. The fireworks are held every year for the city of Aguila's local festivities.
(Lee Baldock)