Sound2light director Mark Rivkin was looking to increase their existing hire stock inventory with a permanent PA system that would give the company access to much larger-scale client events ranging from indoor theatre shows to outdoor rock concerts. After auditioning many different systems he contacted the Audio division of A.C. Lighting to discuss the Nexo GEO line array speaker system.
After providing a quote for a GEO S system, A.C. audio sales manager Peter Butler arranged for a demonstration at company's Northern offices to enable Mark to hear its capabilities in a suitable controlled environment. By this time, Rivkin was convinced from talking to other users that the Nexo GEO S system did everything he wanted and needed it to do, so the demo was just the final test to check that the sound system lived up to his high expectations.
After being more than satisfied by its performance, Rivkin placed an order for a Nexo system with A.C. a couple of days after the demo, commenting: "We chose Nexo after listening to many different systems. The technology was excellent, the rigging and size was ideal, and it sounded better than many large array systems we auditioned. We also wanted something that was easily expandable for use at the largest outdoor events. The GEO system is ideal for this as it is extremely easy to sub-hire in extra boxes. It's also a much more tailored sound solution than a lot of the other systems around. Using the Nexo GEO software we can take measurements from a venue to create a 3D map of the sound field. This enables us to get an accurate estimate of what the sound output will be and optimise it for strict sound level limits."
The system consists of left and right vertical tangent array systems composed of ten 805 5° cabinets, two 830 30° cabinets, two CD-12P subwoofers, two Camco Vortex 6 amplifiers, two NX242 controllers and flying hardware. The first event with the system was a light opera production of Oklahoma.
(Chris Henry)