The design brief required that colour changing effects be applied to three specific areas. The solution consisted of a projection screen, a large glass tank feature, and embedded illuminated floor strips, all of which feature prominently in the building's foyer. Indigo's Paul Traynor comments that "cold cathode was employed for the surround of the projection screen and within the glass tank, but finding a solution to provide colour changing floor strips proved to be the obstacle for every company other than AC Lighting . . . They are also a company who could respond in detail and quickly to a very demanding project."
AC Lighting Special Projects solved the problem by designing and supplying custom floor extrusions which housed 92 lengths of Lagoled RGB colour changing LEDs, powered by five Lagoled power supplies. Once installed, these LED fixtures provide a totally waterproof, load bearing system, with a unique scratch resistant cover.
The lighting control consists of two Mode Tiger dimmers for the cold cathodes, and an Irideon Master Control Processor (MCP), which is programmed to run the colour changing sequences for all three features via DMX. The Irideon MCP allows sequences to be controlled by internal time clock, calendar, or by either of two 8-button recall stations. All programming and commissioning of the system was conducted by the A.C. Lighting Special Projects Division, following completion of the installation.
(Lee Baldock)