Based in Berlin, Germany, the ADA Foundation was officially founded earlier this year by Dr. Wolfgang Ahnert, Dr. Rainer Feistel and Stefan Feistel. The main purpose of the Foundation is to initiate and support education in room acoustics, electro acoustics, sound reinforcement, acoustic simulation and the development of scientific software for these areas. As such, the Foundation actively supports universities, colleges and other educational establishments by supplying software for the simulation of acoustics.
Dr. Ahnert explains: "Many young architects, acousticians and audio system designers finish their degree courses and enter their chosen profession where they will, in the majority of cases, work with EASE software as part of their day-to-day work. Because of this we have decided to make EASE available to them during their education, through the establishments that train them."
The architecture and architectural engineering programmes at the University of Kansas have been using EASE as a teaching tool for several years now. Dr. Michael Swann, associate dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Design at Kansas, said: "This is an excellent development by ADA which means that schools of architecture and engineering can introduce students to this widely used software design tool during their university education. They will go into their profession versed in the use of EASE and its companion software, the AURA and EARS RT auralization package".
(Sarah Rushton-Read)