Aerial selects X-Line for Detroit Auto Show
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To provide both the musicality required for artists like the Beach Boys and easy intelligibility for keynote addresses, black tie events, and awards presentations, Aerial selected the X-Line Advance line-array loudspeaker system from Electro-Voice, with EV power and processing.
The main system consisted of two nine-box line arrays of X2-212/90 mains, supported by twin six-box clusters of X2-128 subwoofers, deployed in a cardioid arrangement for bass control within the cavernous space. The system was powered by TG7 amplifiers and networked via the NetMax N8000 digital matrix.
To augment the mains, Xi-1122 full-range loudspeakers were used, with four for front fill, six for deck fill, and six more as a delay system for the first balcony of the large three-story hall. These were powered by CP3000S amplifiers with Dx46 processors.
“The key to choosing X-Line Advance for the Detroit Auto Show was its ability to sound good for a wide array of event types, from voice only to major entertainers,” notes Jim Lillie, president and operating partner for Aerial Enterprises. “It was a great example of how versatile the X2 system is. Everybody was extremely pleased.”
(Jim Evans)