Xone series designer Andy Rigby-Jones has been researching and testing the very best components available for this project, including thermionic valves and VU meters based on an original 1950s design. The emphasis on quality means that a single rotary fader for the Xone:V6 will cost as much as some complete entry-level mixers. Rigby-Jones commented: "I wanted to give visitors to the Musikmesse a chance to see where the company is going on this project and to tell me what changes they would like to see between the prototype and the finished creation. We did this with the first prototype of the Xone:464 a few years ago, and the feedback we got from DJs and club techs really helped make that product what it has become. I can't say exactly when Xone:V6 will be available. This is all about absolutely pristine audio quality, so it won't go into production until I am 100% confident that it sounds phenomenal."
(Lee Baldock)