Apex also launched the new dBQ-Zero, an analogue 2-channel graphic equalizer with a filter section. This is the first of an Apex range of analogue products that are budget friendly and offer unprecedented quality in this price range. The 30-band graphic section has an additional filter section with high and low shelving filters, a swept high-pass filter and two notch filters for the clean removal of primary feedback frequencies. Connections are available on XLR, stereo 6.35mm Jack and screw terminals. Typical users will be PA companies, musicians and fixed installation contractors. This product will start shipping directly after PLASA, and the first 100 units have already been ordered.
The intelli-Q is the first of a new breed of fast, easy-to-use, digital problem solvers from Apex. Intelli-Q's super-quick processors and intuitive operation allow the precision, control and reset-ability expected from the best digital devices but with the response and sound until now only possible with analogue. Each remotely-controlled 1 U, rack-mount Optimizer provides two completely discrete, identical, link-able audio channels each with a unique and exciting combination of sophisticated audio tools sure to get the best from any front-of-house, stage monitor or in-ear system.
(Lee Baldock)