APG array hits right notes in China’s clubland
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Super Gaga, in Maoming, and Win Party, in Yunfu (both cities in TR Audio’s home province of Guangdong), are the latest additions to China’s fast-moving nightlife scene, where new clubs spring up seemingly by the day.
According to Huang Zhao, general manager of Guangzhou-based TR Audio, APG’s distributor in China, the majority of APG products are well suited to nightclub installations, given their powerful SPL output and enviable evenness of coverage.
For mid-sized clubs like Super Gaga and Win Party (both of which occupy an area of around 500m²), Zhao typically relies on the APG4000 - an evergreen choice for TR Audio, having been installed previously in similar nightlife venues in Guigang (Open Pie), Baise (PingGuo Boss) and Nanning (another Open Pie club).
“In this segment, most of our projects are based on the APG4000 matrix system, coupled with the TB218S subwoofer,” confirms Zhao. “At Super Gaga, for example, four 4000HI [speakers] are installed either side of the main DJ station, providing a coverage angle of vertical 30° (vertical) by 120° (horizontal).”
Comprising two individual speakers (4000HI and 4000LO), the APG4000’s modular design offers sound designers, integrators and installers a choice of configurations - from a barebones set-up comprising a single 4000HI cabinet to larger, medium- to long-throw configurations for both indoor and outdoor events. The APG4000 additionally benefits from APG’s collinear Matrix Array technology, which provides extremely precise control of horizontal and vertical sound coverage, offering further flexibility, whether on the road or in a permanent installation.
The modular nature of the Matrix Array series is particularly beneficial when venues are undergoing renovation or still under construction, when the space available for speakers and audio equipment might change from one day to the next, adds Zhao.
The new nightclubs are the product of significant monetary investment - more than 15m RMB (€2m) between them - and it is important for TR Audio that the owners are able to hear for themselves what the Matrix Array system can do, Zhao continues. “We understand what our customers need and recommend products that are right for them, and the next step is for them to experience the capabilities of the system first hand,” she explains.
“Chinese clubbers, like their counterparts in Europe, deserve the high-quality, ultra-clear, floor-shaking audio APG’s Matrix Array technology can provide,” Zhao concludes.