The principal loudspeaker of choice for these clubs is the multi-purpose, high precision, high power SMX15 monitor speaker from APG. Across the five clubs, a total of 20 SMX15s have been installed, supplemented by APG's TB218S subs, with the exception of Club Malibu in Krasnodar city which has four APG DS15S multipurpose Dispersion Series loudspeakers, supplemented by two TB218S subs.
The nightclub industry is clearly thriving in this part of Russia - each club boasts its own website and is sumptuously furnished and decorated. The biggest club, the Mozart in Novorossiysk, offers a capacity of 1200 people, whilst the others (Cafe Club Infiniti and Baoli in Krasnodar and the Che Guevara in Apsheronsk) can accommodate from between 350 to 700 revellers.
According to Yudoka's Alexander Kharchenko, the SMX15 is an ideal product for the club market. "Over here, the name APG means quality, and I think that the SMX15 is a truly amazing product, and entirely representative of the company when it comes to sound quality, and quality of engineering," he commented. "It was conceived as a stage monitor, but it is so powerful, even in the low frequencies and so versatile thanks to its ingenious ergonomics, that we can put it anywhere and it sounds better than most dedicated products."
(Jim Evans)