Based in Harrow, Middlesex, for over two decades, the lighting control specialist has previously occupied the sort of light industrial premises suited to a traditional manufacturer. However, Artistic Licence now operates more as a design house, outsourcing the majority of its product assembly needs.
CEO Wayne Howell explains, "Artistic Licence is an agile company, happy to reinvent itself as the market evolves. The decision to outsource manufacture was one such change, but it has left us in a building that is no longer well suited to the way we operate. Our company philosophy is all about ideas and pushing the boundaries of new technology, and the new studio provides just the sort of environment we need to nurture such creativity."
Artistic Licence officially takes up residence at its new address (see below) in November 2013. The office will be closed from Thursday 31 October to Monday 4 November inclusive.
(Jim Evans)