Susan McLohon with Setron's managing director, Naresh Dhawan
UK / India - ASL Intercom has confirmed Setron India Private Ltd as an ASL distributor in India. Now in its 15th year of trading and with offices in New Delhi and Mumbai, Setron India Private Ltd is one of the leading importers and distributors of broadcast and pro-audio equipment in India.

"Setron India Private Ltd is a very forward-looking company and we have been very impressed with the way that the company has embraced India's rapidly expanding and technically improving broadcast and live entertainment industries," says ASL sales and marketing director Susan McLohon.

"Setron has an excellent reputation for customer support and so, as a forward-looking company ourselves, we believe that it is the ideal partner to help expand our interests in the region. We are sure that it will prove to be a very rewarding relationship for both companies."

(Jim Evans)

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