Having taken delivery of an initial consignment of the Chroma-Q Space Force earlier in the year, client demand for these versatile, powerful LED soft lights has warranted further investment by Aurora Lighting in an additional batch of fixtures making the company home to of one of the UKs largest hire stocks.
Aurora's purchase of these fixtures is a direct response to a recent surge in demand for low energy products. Capable and reliable, the Space Force is proving to be an excellent example of how new technologies are being used to exceed the capabilities of more traditional solutions.
Proven as a viable alternative to conventional soft sources, Aurora has provided lighting designers with the Space Force on a diverse selection of productions in studios throughout the UK. The ability of the Space Force to act as a low energy replacement for regular space lights or as an effective, controllable stand mounted soft source has made them hugely popular with productions where energy efficient alternatives to conventional fixtures are a requirement, but where the needs of the Lighting Designer cannot be compromised.
On receipt of the latest intake of soft lights, Aurora were able to service a recent last minute request at their West London base. Delivered at close of play, Aurora had the fixtures prepped and installed ready for use in Manchester by 9am the following morning - testament to both the commitment of the Aurora team and the speed at which the Space Force can be made ready for use.
(Jim Evans)