Discussions at the meetings were based around a widely circulated proposal prepared by Cat Strom, Steve Furzey and Andy Ciddor, the text of which can be found on the preliminary ALIA website - www.lighting-association.com. It was agreed that a broadly-based and inclusive lighting industry association is a worthwhile goal, and that efforts should be made to implement the idea. Members of Australia’s major existing lighting association, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IESANZ), who attended the Sydney meeting have taken the proposal to a meeting of the IES Central Executive held in Sydney on the 19-20 July 2001. The provisional ALIA proposal was reviewed and discussed at length. The IES view the ALIA proposal as a positive move to unite the whole lighting industry and is looking forward to further discussions with ALIA to explore options that could be of mutual benefit to the existing IES membership and to the new membership of ALIA. A business plan for the implementation of the proposal, which was so enthusiastically received, is currently in preparation. Regular updates will be posted on the website. Suggestions, support, comments and criticisms will be gratefully received at the e-mail address below.
Aussie Lighting Association Proposed
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