Avolites launches UK online learning hub
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The online courses are designed to teach or re-enforce the theory behind using Titan and Ai. The platform offers seven courses to work on from home, with more in-depth, hands on training courses available at one of Avolites in-person Academy sites. The courses are designed so that users can start applying their knowledge directly to a real life example they may be tasked with in a real world environment, as well as build on their current level of proficiency.
Plans are in place to release the leaning hub across other geographies later in the year, when translation of the courses is completed. In this initial phase, the hub is only accessible to UK residents.
The courses allow users to pick their own path to further their knowledge, with support whenever required. The learning experience on all of the courses is intuitive with tasks, quizzes and exercises backing up each lesson. Once they are a proficient user, users can also access specialist courses covering topics such as Networking, Syntax, Synergy, Pioneer Pro DJ Bridge Link Integration and Web API. Avolites will provide the core skills required to take total creative visual control of users future shows. The courses will be available to access any time over a three month period.
Gordon Clarke, training manager at Avolites, comments: “No matter your age or experience, Avolites Academy is there to support you. To begin any educational journey, you need a strong foundation and support system, and now users can learn with us rather than being on their own. We are with you every step of the way, from learning the basics at home, to developing specialist skills that will push your career further, faster.”
Paul Wong, Avolites managing director, adds: “Avolites is dedicated to the pursuit of creative excellence across all visual canvases, and our new online learning platform is a really important tool for all those visual designers wanting to learn how to create their best shows. I have no doubt that this resource will empower the designers of today and tomorrow, to create more impactful and immersive shows.”
The Avolites Online Learning Platform is now available in the UK, with plans to then roll out the platform to other territories during the Summer of 2021, once language translation and testing has been completed.
Course booking is available at www.avolites.com/support/training-academy.