Bandit backs Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
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With 13 albums under their belts including the most recent release, The Punishment of Luxury, the OMD (so named to refute any potential punk band assumptions) has offered their insight on society ranging from the relationship of man and machine to a commentary on modernism. And with a decidedly contemporary sound, it is only fitting the lighting complement the music while keeping focus on the band.
Bandit Lites supplied Showline Nitro 510C LED Strobes, Elation Paladin Strobes and Clay Paky Sharpys for the tour where lighting designer Andrew Liddle handles all lighting advances and Paul Bird acts as the board operator.
“We were approached by an old friend Ryan Westbrook, the band’s tour manager, and he introduced me to his lighting team consisting of Andrew Liddle and Paul Bird,” said Bandit’s vice president, Mike Golden. “Working with all three of these gentlemen has been a refreshing pleasure and I very sincerely hope we continue working with the entire entourage for many years.”
(Jim Evans)