George Thorogood is out with Ron Norvell at the helm as LD, tour manager Adam Conde and production manager Jeff Pitt. They are carrying VL2500s, Studio Beams, DL2's, a Hog 3, Colorado 3's, Pixel Micros, Color Blocks and Lycian spots.
Peter Barnes is designing Capital FM's Summertime Ball and uses MAC 2000 wash and spots, Hog 3 console, Gladiator 3K spots and Stadium Hazers as part of his kit. Steve Levitt from Production North is producing the event and Bandit is the supplier.
Simon Tutchener has two separate upcoming projects with Bandit. B.B. King and John Mayall have teamed up for a dynamic outing with a system comprising of MAC 2000 washes and spots, grandMA consoles and Lycian 1290 follow spots as the core of his arsenal. The other Tutchener project is George Benson in a Ian 'Mac' MacEwan has once again called on Bandit Lites to illuminate Boys II Men on their latest European jaunt. Tour and production manager John Lopez will steer the adventure around Europe carrying MAC 500s, 600s and the Wholhog 2 console as the base of the system. Once in a Lifetime Legends with the Commodores is using Bandit with designer David Fish creating his magic. The kit list includes VL2000 wash and profiles, Syncrolite 3ks, plus a host of conventional equipment all controlled using the Virtuoso DX console. Production manager Brian Coles will keep the ship running smoothly. Ladyhawke and LD Jazz Bhullar are carrying a package with Martin MAC 250s and MAC 300s, i-Pix BB4s and a Chamsys console will full support from Bandit. UFC continues with Bandit in Europe for its various events and LD Jason Eible and production manager Randy Quick producing the shows. The kit includes MAC 2K spots and washes, MAC 600s and Atomic Strobes (all from Martin Professional), plus PixelPars, Lycian 1290 followspots and Avolites Pearl consoles. (Jim Evans)