Mike Frogge has been working with Donny Osmond for the last four years and wanted to make the rig look as big as possible, so he introduced two raked onstage trusses forming a V at their most onstage point, framed from behind by an upstage truss. The front of the stage was kept well clear with the backline and band tucked upstage and lit with 60 Par cans from the front truss. The rear truss and the two trusses making up the 'V' contain another 60 Pars between them, plus 12 Martin Mac 2K Profiles.
Additionally, there are more Mac 2K profiles on the floor and Mac 300s to light the frame of the video screen. Another bunch of single can Pars on the floor are used specifically to up-light the band in This Guy's In Love. Six Martin Atomic strobes with scrollers get their big moment in the Osmond anthem Crazy Horses.
Frogge operates the show using a WholeHog II console. He is joined on the UK leg of the tour by Bandit crew members Arturo Ollandini and Dave Jolly. Sound is being supplied in the UK by Major Tom and video by CT/Screenco.
(Jim Evans)