Radiotelevisión - one of Spain's leading audiovisual companies and programme makers - has also purchased 24 DPA 4060 miniature omnidirectional which it is using together with some 4066 miniature omnidirectional headband mics for producing news programmes and documentaries. The company is also finding that DPA's 4088 cardioid headband mics are ideal for its sports broadcasts such as the UEFA Champions League.
The final weapon in Radiotelevisión's DPA armoury is a 3530-A kit comprising a factory-matched pair of 4006 omnis. This is finding applications, among other things, in the recording of vocals for post-production. In the opinion of Radiotelevisión's technicians, the 4006 offers a better frequency and dynamic range for vocal recordings for children's programmes and documentaries than the mics previously used. The stereo kit is also used for recording classical concerts in combination with DPA's range of flexible mounting accessories.
(Chris Henry)