The stage set for the tour was created by Stufish, whose team has created stage designs for Pink Floyd, U2, The Rolling Stones and many others. The giant backdrop screen, which forms the key visual element to the show, measures 17m wide and 5m high and contains 2,500 Olite 612 LED modules.
"Barco's Olite 612 fitted our design perfectly", says Mark Fisher, managing director at Stufish. "We wanted to present the audience with a spectacular video and light experience befitting a band of this statue. Olite's modularity once again enabled us to create something very special with a unique mix of video and lighting effects."
The screen frame, custom made for the tour by Brilliant Stages (with integration by Barco's Innovation Designs), houses a creative mix of high and low resolution and combines elements of both video and traditional lighting into one screen. In the centre, Barco's Olite modules form a high resolution elliptical screen which delivers the main show video. Fanning out from the circle's edge, the Olite modules are spread apart giving a 'checkerboard' effect during the visual elements of the show.
"We are proud to be accompanying Queenand Paul Rodgers on their 2008 tour," comments Andrew Healey global marketing manager of Barco's Live Events business. "The design team at Stufish uses the modularity of Olite to brilliant effect delivering a very unique visual element throughout the show. This tour is another great example of how the worlds of video and lighting are converging."
(Jim Evans)