To access the BEIRG Group on Linkedin all you have to do is go to and sign up for free. After you have completed a very quick and easy sign-up, just search under groups for BEIRG and apply to join.
Commenting on the new Linkedin initiative, BEIRG Steering Group member Alan March said: "With the increasing amount of decisions that are starting to be made it's very important that as many people as possible come forward and give us their input. In the coming weeks we will be asking the industry to supply figures for equipment that they own that will be rendered useless or that will need expensive modification as a result of the impending spectrum changes. If people do not come forward and respond to this, then it greatly reduces their prospects of being able to secure the funding that they are eligible for. The Linkedin site is ideal for this purpose. It has been noticeable just how many more people within the industry are now using this service and the interactive nature of it makes it an ideal platform for two-way communication."
At present BEIRG are especially interested to get as many rental companies, freelance sound engineers and all other individuals or companies onboard that currently own wireless equipment that works in channels 61-69. However, BEIRG has also argued that funding should also be available for equipment that operates in the cleared spectrum on channels 31-37 and would like to hear from companies that may be affected as a result.
(Lee Baldock)