Recorded in Granada's Starlight Theatre space and aired between midnight and 1 a.m. on ITV1, the series features a set designed by Julian Healey, with lighting designed by Neil Yates. It has kicked off with a selection of celebrity presenters including Melinda Messenger, Michael Underwood and Nichola Dixon.
Lighting has been co-ordinated by Taras Kochan who also programmed and is operating the console for the show and HSL's TV project manager, Sean McGlone.
HSL's kit on the show includes 24 JTE PixelPAR 90s and 18 PixelPAR 87s, all of which are used for various set dressing effects, plus 90 ChromaQ dB4 LED modules. These are used for up-lighting 'Bingo Central', a futuristic-style set piece displaying ongoing statistics relating to the games-in-progress, which are constantly referred to by the presenters.
The main studio set piece - the vibrant and colourful 'Wall of Numbers' is a spectacular curved wall of 90 numbered cubes. These are fronted in frosted perspex and each box is back lit with four 900mm Pulsar Chroma strips which were purchased by Granada.
Other lighting includes Martin MAC 600 moving lights, 1 and 2K fresnels and ETC Source Four Zooms.
All these and the LED fixtures are controlled by Kochan's Compulite Vector console, with the lighting sequences DMX triggered by the central computer that runs the game.
(Jim Evans)