Following its Broadway success, Songs My Mother Taught Me is a one-woman show featuring Lorna Luft, daughter of Judy Garland, who reminiscences about her childhood with a number of her mother's most famous songs including Come Rain Or Shine, I Can't Give You Anything But Love, The Trolley Song and, appropriately, For Me And My Gal. The show also features tributes to famous figures in Judy Garland's life including Harold Arlen, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr.
This follows other recent purchases of Lab.gruppen for theatre shows by Blitz. Specified by Martin Levan, Lab.gruppen iP1150 amplifiers were used for Phantom of the Opera in Madrid and, in a refit of some of the core equipment of Phantom in London, Lab.gruppen iP2100 amplifiers were chosen.
Commenting on the purchases, Blitz regional manager, Chris Jordan, said: "Lab.gruppen is being specified more extensively in theatre as it continues to prove its audio quality and dependability. It's a real credit to the original equipment used on Phantom in London, which has been running for 17 years, but it was time for an upgrade to the better sounding product now available and to ensure the continued reliability of the system."
Lab.gruppen's UK distributor, Sennheiser, has supplied all of the amplifiers to Blitz.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)