The Praesideo 3.5 and Plena VAS 2.16 central equipment have received certification to EN 54-16. Bosch also supplies charging equipment certified to EN54-4, and the company has been granted EN 54-24 certification for a broad range of loudspeakers covering a host of different application areas associated with voice EVAC.
Says the company, " In contrast to other manufacturers, who offer only loudspeakers for one or two defined applications, Bosch can provide EN 54-24 certified products for the full range of audio applications, including voice alarm, speech and background music as well as foreground music and professional audio. The range includes indoor and outdoor loudspeakers as well as flush-mounted loudspeakers for walls and ceilings.
"With EN 54 certification of its voice alarm systems and components as well as its Fire Panel 1200 Series and Fire Panel 5000 Series, Bosch can now offer fully integrated EN 54 certified fire alarm and voice evacuation solutions for every application to provide optimum protection for the public and personnel."
(Jim Evans)