Logic brings unparalleled functionality to complex applications. For example, room combining systems can be constructed that automatically reset EQs, delays and source and output routings depending on the physical states of room dividers. Classic 'computer logic' functions are used to accomplish this, such as AND, OR, NOR and NAND gates, as well as triggers, logic pulses and truth tables. Careful pre-engineering and the use of external control inputs can result in systems that perform complex automated tasks triggered by simple physical input. For example, settings being triggered and controlled by contact closures on partitions and on/off switches on microphones. The system can then provide real-time visual feedback of system states to the control room with room layouts and active partitions shown on-screen.
Event Scheduling in Soundweb London raises timed events to new levels, too. The ability to set a logic function to occur at a pre-determined time and date (including recurring events) allows not just system presets to be recalled but complete logic-based system events. This means that systems can be configured so certain settings can only be activated when time-based events allow, say BSS.
Settings Libraries allow the user to store frequently-used setups of processing objects for instant integration into system designs. For example, the settings on a gate may be preset for a particular snare drum sound, and then saved as a preset object in its own right, which in turn may be added to a system design just like a normal processing object.
London Architect V1.06 can be downloaded now from the Soundweb London website, at the web address below.
(Lee Baldock)