"We chose Sennheiser equipment mainly for the IEM system," explains monitor engineer Jimmy Nicholson. "I have had plenty of experience with Sennheiser in-ears previously and found them to be extremely reliable. The lightweight, compact receiver packs in the G2 system are leagues ahead of the competition. The frequency agility is also vital. We are using B and C range, so we quite often have to tune all over the range to fit around local RF conditions. And aside from the frequency agility, the backlit LCDs on the IEM packs are very useful for troubleshooting."
Coming from a production background, Harris was already a Sennheiser user before beginning his career as a frontman.
"Calvin's Headphone of choice, which he uses during the majority of his writing, is the Sennheiser HD25," continues Nicholson. "When we're on tour, he can normally be found up the front of the bus, synths and laptop spread over the seats with his HD25s on."
(Jim Evans)