Fat Frog was recommended for the one particular school as they are developing out of hours activities for community use. Andy Fidgeon, Electrical Supervisor at Birmingham Rep said "I was pleased Fat Frog was chosen for this venue as I light shows for a number of amateur companies and it will give me quick and easy control over moving lights."
Selecon Profiles were specified throughout for all three venues including the new Axial Profile and Pacific. Each venue was also fitted with full sound systems, video projection, hall perimeter tracks with full stage drapes and the latest included recording studio facilities with inductive loop systems as standard. The latest project included a comprehensive recording studio facility. Users at the school expressed total confidence in the product range supplied and a liking for its ease of use in their environment. CTS Director, David Harwood said: "We have had a very hectic 12 months in both hire and installation. I am convinced that our package of support and on site training was a major factor in being awarded these projects."