The Ovation E-190WW units made their debut in grand fashion, illuminating the 2013 Valparaiso University Christmas Concert, a beloved musical tradition in the community for more than 80 years. Attended by some 2,500 individuals, the concert featured the Valparaiso University Chorale, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Concert Band, and Women's and Men's Choirs.
Lighting up both an event and a venue of such exceptional stature presented the Ovation E-190WW with a big role to fill - literally and figuratively. Along with its nearly 100ft chancel, Chapel of the Resurrection has an expansive nave that extends 58ft high and 193ft in length.
"The lighting requirements for the event were two-fold," said Hazewinkel, "one, to provide the musicians and choir with sufficient lighting for their performance, and two, to enhance them to the audience. Also, the addition of accent lighting creates visual interest."
Hazewinkel said he chose the Ovation E-190WW "due to its light output and cost effectiveness," as well as its extremely low power draw compared to ellipsoidal fixtures with conventional lamps. "One of the greatest challenges in lighting this space is the lack of sufficient distributed power for traditional lighting dimmers and fixtures. The (Ovation E-190WW's) LED technology enabled us to light the performers in a way that would simply not have been possible using traditional fixtures without major infrastructure changes to the 55-year-old facility."
Hazewinkel used 20 Ovation E-190WW units to light the performers at the Valparaiso Christmas Concert, hanging the fixtures in the facility's north and south galleries, with additional front lighting provided from a position in the west gallery. Since the units were at a distance of about 165ft from the performers, 5° ETC lenses were used to focus their beams.
(Jim Evans)