"The United Centre is in the process of replacing their current followspots," says Chicago Spotlight president Marty Lazarus. "Their existing fixtures have been there since the arena opened. Their goal is to replace two each year until all 12 are replaced with Cyranos."
Cyrano is a compact and efficient 2500W HMI followspot with a high-performance quartz condenser optical system. It features a 100% closing iris; 100% closing dimmer; B-size gobo holder , variable frost, dichroic blue filter; and 6-way boomerang color changer with removable filter frames.
Lazarus explains that Chicago Spotlight demo'd the Cyranos for the arena and staged a shoot out comparing them to the current fixtures. "The customer was impressed with the Cyranos' features, the even field and the sturdy construction of the unit," he reports. "The Cyrano's light output was comparable to the spotlights it was replacing - we're talking about 2,500W HMI vs 3,000W Xenon with a more even field. They felt that by purchasing two Cyranos they were getting a lot of value for their dollar."
United Centre organised a training session with 14 local stagehands to familiarise them with the new fixtures, the first of an expected dozen units. At United Centre Rob Staverman is senior director of event operations and Bob Grmusich the house electrician.
(Jim Evans)