Christ’s Church of the Valley invests in GLP
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In 1996 it purchased the property now known as the Peoria campus, moving to the site in 2000 and opening a 3,500-plus seat auditorium four years later.
At the church’s broadcast campus, it recently added a number of GLP fixtures to its stage, purchasing eight S350 moving head profiles for key light purposes, and 32 X4 Bar 20 battens as part of a long-term rental package, from 4Wall of Las Vegas.
At the same time, CCV has added 10 of GLP’s E350 moving heads (the S350’s brighter sibling, with an extremely narrow iris) for its newly opened Verrado Campus. According to CCV’s production designer Trevor Rigsby, all new campus auditoriums will henceforth have a package of E350s as their go-to moving spot solution, with the quantities in each case defined by the size of the stages and auditoriums.
Rigsby, who is supported by house LD, MeKenna Beauregard, is no stranger to GLP’s technology. “The first GLP fixture I ever used on a stage was the Volkslicht. I loved that light and used it frequently. In fact I owe my love of GLP products to JRLX president Jason Reberski, who introduced me.”
Of the recent acquisitions, the S350s were earmarked to replace the old traditional discharge light package and were purchased from Phoenix-based Clearwing Productions - the church’s regular local supplier.
“There were several factors I was looking for that led me to the S350,” stated the CCV designer. “We wanted LED, as we are no longer purchasing discharge moving lights for any of our rooms, in order to cut down on maintenance costs.
“Possibly the biggest boost was the variable colour temperature, without having to mix CMY values. I needed to be able to get to at least 5500K to meet the request of video. I also wanted to have a fixture that had variable CTB so that we could quickly change the colour temperature for cameras based on the needs of different stages. Video loves how these fixtures look on camera, so it was a big win, and that feature helped sell this project to leadership.”
With the opening of the new Verrado campus, Trevor Rigsby dipped into the GLP portfolio again - this time to purchase a batch of E350’s.