To achieve a more harmonious blend of the lighting equipment with the architecture of Mardan Palace, Coemar has customised its projectors where necessary, colouring them gold or white according to their use.
In the jazz bar, the stage is entirely lit by Coemar LED products, which produce a high output in limited dimensions, without heating the surrounding area. Thirty-six Pinlite LEDS provide the basic lighting, each with 12 1.2 W Luxeon LEDs, four red, four green and four blue. Six I Wash Leds moving heads are installed for the moving lighting effects: each projector is fitted with 37 LEDs in the 3 RGB colours, plus white for the tone variation. To light the backdrop, 10 StripLite LEDS with RGB LED sources have been installed.
For the discotheque, the lighting designer has chosen high-power Coemar projectors, normally used for big outdoor concerts, and has customised them all in white.
(Jim Evans)