With a stage of 450m2 and an audience of 10000, the shows producers wanted the best in lighting as well as the best performers, so lighting designer Dave Davey was called on to ensure the show was the most spectacular yet. With an extremely hectic schedule, Davey recruited Nigel Catmur as Show lighting director, Ross Williams as Catalyst operator, Russell Grubiak to run the audience lights and Bill Peachment to run all the moving lights on his Compulite Vector system.
The moving light rig consisted of 33 Martin MAC2000, 64 Martin MAC550, 32 Martin MAC600, 16 High End Studio Beam PC and 11 Studio Due City Colors. Peachment commented: "the Vector was fantastic on the show, running nearly 170 spots over seven full DMX streams with 30 live bands; I could not have achieved so much in so little time on any other console. As always Stagetec Distribution were on hand in the unlikely event that any support was required."
(Sarah Rushton-Read)