Robe fixtures were again at the core of Kubanka's lighting rig and they were supplied by Slovakian rental company, Q-99.
The Robe elements of the rig were 34 x ColorSpot 1200E ATs, 26 x ColorWash 1200E ATs, 20 x ColorSpot 250 ATs, 12 x ColorBeam 2500E ATs, 12 x REDWash 3-192s, 18 x ColorMix 575 ATs, 10 x LEDBlinder 196 LT and for the first time, 14 x Robin 600E Beams and 12 ColorBeam 2500E ATs.
These were positioned around the upstage LED wall and scenic LED elements at the rear and to the side of the stage, overhead on the trusses and on podiums underneath the transparent floor.
The Robin 600 Beams and ColorBeam 2500s were used for bright, punchy narrow beam effects, and they proved perfect for cutting through the intensity of the myriad of LED surfaces onstage. They were also used for strobing and gobo effects.
In addition to the Robes, there was also a substantial quantity of generics, white lights and LED fixtures on the rig, along with LED panels used for video, all of which was controlled by two grandMA full size consoles, one running two VPUs feeding video content to the LED surfaces. The desks were operated by Michal Schmidt and Tomas Leck?, both regulars of Kubanka's FOH visuals team.
(Jim Evans)