This was a three-part seminar that took place over four hours and began with a presentation from John Taylor titled Demystifying audio techniques, which embraced visual images, experiments and practical demonstrations that included the assistance of Daisy the duck*. This part of the session was aimed at expanding the participant's knowledge in order to obtain the maximum benefit from sound systems, concluding with what constitutes a well-behaved loudspeaker and how it affects what we hear. Ralf Zuleeg then took the stage to look at the history of dispersion pattern control in loudspeaker systems, why you need it, and how linearrays extend the boundaries of pattern control. The section was supported by practical demonstrations looking and listening to d&b's Q-Series loudspeakers in several different configurations. As a conclusion, Zuleeg explored the area of steering low frequencies, the effects of array size on directivity, Cardioid Subwoofer Arrays and finally distributed bass arrays.
"I am really pleased as the session was very well attended," said David Rosello from d&b's Spanish office, who also provided translations for the proceedings. Ralf Zuleeg commented: "We like to try and present these subjects in a light and amusing fashion; however, there is also a serious purpose here; d&b believes in the transmission and propagation of knowledge as passionately as it believes in quality audio, and if we can achieve this without pain and without losing the audience's attention, we are happy and hopefully so are they."
(Lee Baldock)