The DJ booth features the Denon DN-S3500. "The main reason for this decision was that this CD/MP3 player contained more functions than anything else on the market, allowing the DJs to be more re creative with their mix," says Savran. "We have tried many other brands of equipment but Denon always lives up to our expectations and I have had nothing but good experiences with Denon equipment in the past."
Distributed in Sweden by EM Nordic, the pair of Denon's flagship players were supplied to Wish by local dealers, AV-Akuten. The move has enabled Cengiz to bring in a heady roster of DJ's, among them Low Budget (USA), DJ Oslo (from The Voice radio station), and DJ Confuze (No. 1 scratch DJ in Sweden).
"As for lighting, we didn't want any moving heads - I have been influenced by the New York scene and wanted to create the Studio 54 feel - so it's made entirely with LED colour-changers," adds Savran.
(Jim Evans)